In this section, you'll find eligibility information for the Health & Dental Plan, other student services, and family enrolments.
Vision and travel benefits are included in the Health portion.
All enrolments must be completed during the Change-of-Coverage & Opt-Out Period. If you’re not sure if you're eligible, check your student fee account or contact ASEQ.
Please note that students and their dependants aren't covered for out-of-province or out-of-country emergency services once they reach age 65. For more details, contact ASEQ.
If you’re eligible, you can enrol your family (spouse and/or dependent children) in the Health & Dental Plan for an additional fee. See the Couple & Family Enrolments section for instructions.
ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY THE ASEQ | STUDENTCARE NETWORKSOnly professionals that are members of the ASEQ | Studentcare Networks will appear. To Discover the Studentcare Networks’ Advantages, click on one of the Studentcare Networks below.